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"THE BOSTON GLOBE THE CIVIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF BOSTON Virtuoso work from Civic, violinist By Michael Manning Boston Globe Correspondent "The first time I heard violinist Victor Romanul play was during a recording session with the Boston Conservatory Chamber Players, of which he's a member. Even among his estimable peers, he struck me as belonging to an even higher league. Sunday afternoon in Jordan Hall, assisted by Max Hobart and the Civic Symphony Orchestra of Boston, that initial impression was fortified by one of the stellar performances of this young season. Romanul is an extraordinarily musical player, which really means two things: that the sum of his skills are always used to serve the music, in this case Saint Saens’s Third Violin Concerto; and that the effect is so beautiful as to beggar words other than the nebulous, "musical" reserved for such occasions. He has technical resources to burn, but never indulges in grandstanding, and although the Saint-Saens is a virtuoso’s piece, difficulty was the furthest thing from this listeners consciousness. The opening of the concerto is in the alto register, and Romanul's sound was luscious. The passage work was clean, even, in tune, and seemed effortless. When it came to Romantic line, as it often does in this piece, Romanul spun long, seamless phrases with even tone and subtle dynamic gradation."

For 2019, this is Victor's busiest year yet. a tremendous number of solo performances, concerti, and chamber music.

MEL Magazine featured Victor in an article about how to trick yourself into liking classical music, comparing his performance to that of Eddie Van Halen.Click here.

This in addition to a recent article he wrote for Strings Magazine- click below

Please visit the "VIDEOS OF Victor Romanul" page for many new videos of recent performances to see and hear.

 For 2018, Victor Romanul is performing multiple times, the complete 24 Paganini caprices in concert, the Paganini violin concerto, the complete Ysaye Sonatas, the complete Bach Sonatas and Partitas for violin solo, and also, the complete Bach Suites on the Viola.

Over his career, Victor has performed all over the world, and has a concerto repertoire of over 100 concerti. A student of Jascha Heifetz, Mr. Romanul has also studied with Ivan Galamian, Joseph Silverstein, and Alfred Krips.He has written 4 compositions recently which each one, derive their substance from a compilation of the complete works of the historical great violinists, Wieniawski, Vieuxtemps, Sauret, and Alard, all passages from their catalogues blended and interwoven into one composition. The father of 5 grown children, he has recently expanded his solo concert engagements. Named in the “Best of Boston” by the Boston Globe as a solo concerto artist, he has given masterclasses all over the country at major universities, and most recently, gave the masterclasses at the Tanglewood of the Paganini 24 caprices, and the Ysaye solo sonatas.The famed composer, John Williams wrote a violin and viola duo for Victor Romanul and his friend, Michael Zaretsky, which they recorded. Strings Magazine asked Victor to write an article for their February, 2016 issue about the story of his career.

During 2017, violinist Victor Romanul has given performances of the complete Suites by Bach performed on the Viola, an instrument with which he recently has become reacquainted with after a 30 year hiatus, performances of the complete Paganini caprices, the complete 6 Ysaye Sonatas, and the compete Bach Sonatas and Partitas for violin. This in addition to numerous chamber music performances and solo recitals and Concerto performances. Coming up are many performances of the complete Paganini caprices, a performance of the Paganini Violin Concerto, and the Bach Brandenburg Concerto #6 in Jordan Hall, where he will play viola. Victor was invited to write an article about his career by Strings Magazine, which was published in their February, 2016 issue, which details his early life, evolvement as a musician, and current activities.
Violinist Victor Romanul started performing at the age of 7. His Grandmother, Stella Roman(ul) was a leading dramatic soprano at the Metropolitan Opera, and at the La Scala theatre in Milan, where she was hand picked by Richard Strauss for the title role of Empress for his premiere there of "Die Frau ohne Schatten". Victor, along with his three brothers traveled and performed extensively as the Romanul Quartet. After studying with Ivan Galamian, Joseph Silverstein, and Jascha Heifetz, Victor joined the Pittsburgh Symphony as a second violinist at the age of 21. During his first week there he won the position of Associate Concertmaster, remaining for six years. Eventually he joined the Boston Symphony. Victor has given numerous Solo and Concerto performances, and specializes in virtuoso music of the solo violin. The father of five children, now grown, he enjoys performing many obscure, and fascinating works, hidden violin gems of composers such as Paganini, Sauret, Vieuxtemps, Tarrega, Reger, Westhoff, Matteis, Leon de Saint-Lubin, Agusta Read Thomas, Alard, and Loccatelli among others. He often performs as soloist with orchestra, with over 50 concerti in his repetoire. Performances of the Dvorak, Korngold, Beethoven, Bruch, Brahms Double, Vivaldi Seasons, Bach violin-oboe Double, Saint-Saens #3, and others dot his schedule. Projects such as performances of all the Beethoven Sonatas at the Goethe Institute, or of the complete Ysaye or Bach Sonatas in one concert and several performances of the complete 24 caprices of Paganini, are commonplace. An experiment was started in the mid 1990's in Detroit, where musicians were hand picked from all the major U.S. orchestras to meet occasionally as a national chamber orchestra . Victor was asked to serve as Concertmaster for three years till the orchestra disbanded. Victor has given masterclasses throughout the country at many schools including Northwestern, Columbia, Oberlin and SUNY Stony Brook. Several years ago, composer John Williams wrote a violin-viola duo, "Duo Concertante" for Victor and Violist Michael Zaretsky, to whom the Duo is dedicated. A 2 CD world premiere recording of it, along with many other duos included is available.� Victor has been named in Best of Boston by the Boston Globe under the category, "soloist with orchestra". Also, he performed as violinist with the Boston Symphony Chamber Players for the Beethoven Septet.
Victor has given masterclasses for the Fellows at the Tanglewood Music Center of the complete Paganini caprices, and the Ysaye Sonatas.

visit victors facebook site for the most up to date listing of activities. click here


""Virtuosity totally in the service of heartfelt expressivity, and to be specific, a completely inward feeling successfully projected outwards. Extremely elegant and moving artistry. Superb."

Scott Rose, Music Critic

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